Jeremy Burns Realtor

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I Had Not Thought of Moving
The children are grown or in college and you are rattling around in a large home, maybe 2 stories, pool, garden, etc. The idea of moving is not on your mind but the amount of upkeep and time required to keep the property going is starting to wear on you. Many of your friends have retired and moved and they said that moving was a lot of work.
Here are a few questions to contemplate:
Where would you like to be in 5 years? If your children are in college and you want them to be able to come home to the home that they know and love, that’s fine, but consider that they will be out of college before you know it and you might want to have an alternative plan going.
If your children are small and you are outgrowing your home, where would you like to move? Do you or your husband have a long commute to work and would like to make it shorter? Where might you live to make that happen? Are you possibly thinking about other schools in the area that you would like your children to attend in the next few years?
OK, but if I were to move, you might ask, where would I want to go? Stay in the same town or maybe choose a new location? Communities and cities change over the years. What is important to you?
Where would YOU like to live? Are you familiar with other areas in your hometown that you like? Do you have any idea of the prices or floor plans of properties in other places and the positive things that other locations have to offer?
Have you always wanted to live closer to a college or university, beach, shopping, arts community?
Would you like to live in a gated community or a community with recreational facilities for yourselves or your children?
Would you like a one-story or a two-story home?
I would be happy to provide information about the value of your home judging from recent sales in your neighborhood. This would give you something to think about even if in the end you decide to stay where you are now.
I can suggest possibilities that you may not be familiar with since I have sold real estate in so many different areas of Orange County over the years. Many of the people I have worked with are surprised when they realize how much they did not know about options in neighboring communities.


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